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Case Gallery


Case Gallery & Quotes from Doctors

It has been a pleasure and an honour to work with so many skilled and talented dentists over the last fifty years we’ve been serving dentistry. We are proud to be able to highlight, in our Case Gallery, some of the many great smiles we’ve been able to help create.

Anterior Aesthetics by Klausz Dental Laboratories
Case Courtesy of Dr. Daniel Schwartzberg, Toronto, Ontario

Dr. Isakow

Ron and his team of technicians are artists when it comes to fabricating custom dental smiles. It is a pleasure working with them, as our goals of providing excellent quality and service to my patients are well aligned. They empower me with the confidence to take on more challenging cases. With their experience, I have been able to provide my patients with great outcomes.”

Dr. Daniel Schwartzberg

The patient presented with old porcelain fused to metal crowns over custom cast abutments secured to implants for teeth 12, 11, and 21 and a misshaped and discolored lateral incisor on tooth 22. He wanted to improve on the aesthetics of his smile. The supra gingival labial margins of the implant abutments were modified to place the margins slightly sub-gingival and separate porcelain fused to zirconia crowns, with opaque cores, along with an e.Max layered veneers were fabricated to provide strength and aesthetics.

Before Cosmetic Restoration


Before Cosmetic Restoration


After Cosmetic Restoration



Anterior Aesthetics by Klausz Dental Laboratories
Case Courtesy of Dr. Daniel Isakow, Prosthodontist, Toronto

Dr. Isakow“I will only work with high quality dental labs. I’ve known about Klausz Dental Lab for many years and I decided to give them a try. They certainly provided me with high quality work and I now trust them to deliver on fit, function, and aesthetics. I can say with confidence, when it comes to service, quality and integrity, I know with them, I am getting the very best for my patients.”

Dr. Daniel Isakow

The patient presented with old chair side resin veneers. The shape and shade did not match her existing natural teeth, and she was finally ready to improve on her smile. The patient went to the lab for a Cosmetic Consultation, to discuss her needs and concerns. Two e.Max porcelain layered veneers were fabricated.

Thanks for all the great work.  The patient was thrilled with the final result. She remarked that she never realized how much her teeth affected her.

Before Cosmetic Restoration
After Cosmetic Restoration

Helping our clients achieve the very best clinical outcomes, is just another way we are,
“Working Harder and Smarter for your Practice!”


Anterior Aesthetics by Klausz Dental Laboratories
Case Courtesy of Dr. Lourdes Maqueira, Toronto, Ontario

Dr. Maqueira“We use a premium dental lab. Ron and his team of technicians are artists when it comes to fabricating custom dental smiles. With their experience, over the past 7 years of working together, we have been able to provide my patients with great outcomes that provide function with aesthetics.”

Dr. Lourdes Maqueira

The patient presented with missing lateral incisors and had misshaped and discoloured central incisors. He wanted to improve on the aesthetics of his smile and insisted on a fixed restoration. Separate three unit, porcelain fused to zirconia, bridges were fabricated to provide strength and aesthetics.
Dr. Xhillari Case Before
Dr. Xhillari Case After


Anterior Implant Aesthetics by Klausz Dental Laboratories
Case Courtesy of Dr. Promila Mehan, Cambridge, Ontario

Dr. Mehan“I truly enjoy working with the Klausz Dental Lab Team. They consistently provide me with high quality work and I trust them to deliver on fit, function, and aesthetics. I’ve used them for implant restorations, crowns & bridges, dentures, and orthotics, and I can say with confidence, when it comes to service and integrity, I know I am getting the very best with them.”

Dr. Promila Mehan, Cambridge

This patient presented with a fractured Maxillary Central Incisor. After being presented with a variety of treatment options, he chose to proceed with a fixed implant restoration. A Straumann bone level implant was placed; however, due to the amount of bone loss, the implant was placed with a labial inclination. I wanted a screw retained restoration. A Straumann AS (Angled Screw) Abutment was chosen and porcelain fused to zirconia restoration with a lingual screw access hole was fabricated. My patient and I were extremely pleased with the final aesthetic outcome.
Before Cosmetic Restoration
After Cosmetic Restoration


Anterior Aesthetics by Klausz Dental Laboratories
Case Courtesy of Dr. Entela Xhillari, Toronto, Ontario

“When it comes to anterior aesthetics, I know the technicians at Klausz Dental Lab are perfectionists. Restorations insert with ease, with minimal adjustments needed, and the aesthetics are beautiful. I trust them to ensure my aesthetic cases go smoothly, and I really appreciate all they do for me and my patients.”

Dr. Entela Xhillari

The patient presented with chipped upper anterior teeth along with a large midline diastema that he wanted closed. Time was of the essence as the patient was getting married in a few weeks and his bride to be wanted his smile to be perfect. The teeth were prepared for 6 e.Max Porcelain Layered Crowns to increase the incisal length and to close the midline diastema.

The patient was ecstatic about his dramatic smile transformation, and we are glad to report that his wedding pictures turned out great!

Dr. Xhillari Case Before


Dr. Xhillari Case After



Creative Solutions by Klausz Dental Laboratories
Case Courtesy of Dr. Lourdes Maqueira, Toronto, Ontario

“We use a premium dental lab. Ron and his team of technicians are artists when it comes to fabricating custom dental smiles. With their experience, over the past 5 years of working together, we have been able to provide my patients with great outcomes that provide function with aesthetics.”

Dr. Lourdes Maqueira

The patient presented with partial dentitions in both the maxillary and mandibular arches. The maxillary arch had 4 implants placed in Europe, with different abutments, and all were severally misaligned to each other.  After evaluating the implant placement, the bone surrounding the implants and the angulation issue, it was determined the most optimal choice for success was with removable prosthetics. Using x-rays, we were able to determine the implants that were placed and the types of abutments that were covering them.  The implant in the 17 position could not be identified; however it had a Locator Abutment that we were able to utilize. The implant in the 14 position was identified as a Zimmer Implant which had some type of healing cap, that could not be identified, and standard screw driver tips would not engage, so a custom screw driver was made at the lab to facilitate the healing cap removal.  In tooth positions 24 and 25 Zimmer Implants were identified, both of which had angled stock abutments. The sizes of the implants in the 14, 24, and 25 positions were determined and an implant level impression was taken using Closed Tray Impression Copings, including a Locator Impression Cap for the implant in the 17 position. In the lab, Custom Locator Abutments were fabricated to be parallel with the Locator Abutment in the 17 position. It was decided that the implants in the 24 and 25 positions should be splinted together due to the amount of bone loss and the quality of the remaining bone in the area.

Cast partial dentures were fabricated for both arches to replace the missing teeth and Novaloc Inserts were included to engage all four of the Locator Abutments in the maxillary denture for enhanced retention.

The patient was thrilled with the final results.

Initial Retracted

17 Implant

Post Ortho Retracted

14 Implant

Initial Smile

24 + 25 Implants

Initial Retracted

Custom Locator Abutments

Initial Smile

14 Custom Locator Abutment

Post Ortho Retracted

24 + 25 Custom Locator Abutments

Initial Retracted

Panoramic X-Ray of Implant Position

Initial Smile

Locator Abutments Intra-Oral

Initial Retracted

Completed Maxillary Denture

Initial Smile

Completed Mandibular Denture

Post Ortho Retracted

Internal View of Dentures


Anterior Aesthetics by Klausz Dental Laboratories
Case Courtesy of Dr. Paul Alter, Toronto, Ontario

“During my six years with Klausz Dental Laboratories, I have received exemplary support across the board, from TMJ & sleep apnea appliances, to implant supported fixed & removable prosthetics, to bonded ceramics. Their understanding of occlusal concepts results in fewer adjustments and increased profitability. Without exception, Klausz lab’s restorations are exceptional in their artistry and functionally precise.”

Dr. Paul Alter

Patient presented with a broken upper anterior bridge. PFM crowns #12, 11 and 21 were old, discoloured, and chipped. He wanted a more idealized smile design. Examination revealed a variety of cosmetic, anatomical, and functional concerns. Periodontist, Dr. Monica Raina extracted #11 and performed a ridge augmentation, followed by implant placement. Dr. Alter prepared the remaining incisors for new crowns. Teeth #12, 21 and 22 were prepared for porcelain fused to Zirconia (PFZ) core crowns, while #11 was restored with a screw-retained PFZ implant crown cemented to a Ti-Base. Our patient was ecstatic about his dramatic smile transformation. Dr. Alter would like to thank Dr. Monica Raina, Ron Klausz, and his team of lab ceramists for helping achieve these amazing results.

Before Cosmetic Restoration


After Cosmetic Restoration


Before Cosmetic Restoration

After Retracted

After Cosmetic Restoration

After Smile


Anterior Aesthetics by Klausz Dental Labs
Case Courtesy of Dr. Genoveva Caminschi, Mississauga, Ontario

dr-camanichi---124x174“Working with Ron and his team at Klausz Dental Lab is a true pleasure. Having someone in the laboratory who I can discuss cases with is very important to me. It enables me to provide options to my patients with confidence, because I know that the final results will be predictable, meeting my expectations and my patient’s desires.””

Dr. Genoveva Caminschi, Mississauga

dr-caminschi--tooth-x-rayThe patient is a young woman who was self conscious about her smile. She presented missing her left lateral incisor, her right lateral incisor was oddly shaped, and her central incisors were not symmetrical.

An implant was placed in the 22 position with the desire of fabricating a screw retained final restoration. The labial biotype was thin and the concern was that the tissue would recede and the interdental papilla would shrink away. The patient went to the laboratory for a Cosmetic Consultation and the implant was restored with a Procera CAD Zirconia ASC Screw Retained Crown. Chair side bonding was done to reshape teeth 12, 21,& 23.

Esthetically the case turned out beautifully, and the patient was thrilled with the final result.

Before Cosmetic Restoration
After Cosmetic Restoration
Before Cosmetic Restoration
After Cosmetic Restoration


Anterior Aesthetics by Klausz Dental Labs
Case Courtesy of Dr. Ron Goodlin, Aurora, Ontario

Dr. Ron Goodlin“I know the technicians at Klausz Dental Lab are perfectionists – each case is studied with careful attention to detail. From case design, to fabrication, and onto the final quality check before it leaves the lab, every detail is examined. Restorations insert with ease, with minimal adjustments needed, and the aesthetics are beautiful. I really appreciate all they do for me and my patients.”

Dr. Ron Goodlin

The patient, who is in the dental field, presented with stained, discolored, and chipped anterior teeth. The previously restored bonding and veneers to close diastemas were failing due to occlusal forces and so our patient was not happy with her smile and was feeling self-conscious.

We determined that a combination of increased tooth length to restore the occlusal guidance, provide improved proportionality, and aesthetics using the most minimally invasive approach would result in an improved situation according to the challenging pre-operative condition.

Following several weeks of a trial smile in provisional restorations, ultra thin porcelain veneers were fabricated for the maxillary six anterior teeth using the refractory die method. When the patient is ready, future additional restorations to build out the buccal corridor will be undertaken.

The smile aesthetic due to the new shape, colour and incisal length of the teeth was greatly improved and the patient is thrilled with the final results.

Before Cosmetic Restoration
After Cosmetic Restoration


Anterior Aesthetics by Klausz Dental Labs
Case Courtesy of Dr. Jennifer Lai, Toronto, Ontario

Dr. Jennifer LaiWe use a premium dental lab. Ron and his team of technicians are artists when it comes to fabricating custom dental smiles. They provide nothing but perfection in all the cases we have sent to them – none have been returned for revision. They are that good!

– Dr. Jennifer Lai

The patient is a young professional. He’s starting to establish a healthy career but has felt self conscious about his smile. His 4 anterior teeth were prepared and e.Max crowns were fabricated for 12, 11, and 21 and an e.Max veneer was fabricated for 22. Now he has the biggest smile. He wears his new investment with excitement. As a side note: you should have seen him at his post-op appointment, his smile was so big it was like he was flashing his teeth. It was awesome!

Before Crown
After Crown


Anterior Aesthetics by Klausz Dental Labs
Case Courtesy of Dr. Abdullah Alawady, Toronto, Ontario

Dr. Abdullah AlawadyI saw this patient for a recall this week after I cemented crowns on teeth 11 and 21 early last year. The delivery appointment went flawlessly with absolutely no adjustments required. The margins were undetectable with the explorer and the interproximal contacts were perfect! The patient is ecstatic with the results and couldn’t be any happier and so am I! I am extremely pleased with the quality of work Klausz Labs have been doing for me and I am looking forward to continue working with you in the future. Please extend my gratitude to all the staff and lab technicians.

-Dr. Abdullah Alawady

The patient had been unhappy with his smile for years, and was particularly concerned with the appearance of his central incisors. He presented with stained, chipped, and asymmetrical central incisors and wanted an aesthetic improvement. He has had old bonding on these teeth that kept on chipping and he was tired of having it replaced frequently and was looking for a more permanent solution. The teeth were vital, so minimal reduction was a must. After consulting the lab, we chose zirconia based, porcelain layered crowns. These types of restoration can be made fairly thin and yet will mask out most underlying discoloured tooth structure. The final result was aesthetic, functional, and strong and the patient was ecstatic!

Before porcelain layered crown
After porcelain layered crowns


Anterior Aesthetics by Klausz Dental Labs
Case Courtesy of Dr. Natalie Abbott, Toronto, Ontario

Dr. Natalie AbbottI trust Ron and his team at Klausz Dental Lab to constantly deliver precise fitting restorations that provide greater aesthetics and superior function. They stand behind everything they do and they care about my patients as much as I do. I’m so glad I found them.

– Dr. Natalie Abbott

Major Treatment over 3+ Years – Ortho, Temporary Restorations &
Final Screw Retained Implant Crowns, Custom Abutments and Cemented PFM Crowns

The patient presented with an unstable posterior occlusion and a 100% anterior overbite that was placing a destructive load on his ten year old anterior bridge. The resulting effect was the breakdown of the cement seal allowing decay and the ultimate loss of bridge abutment tooth #23 and single tooth #24.

Over the 3+ year treatment plan, the maxillary bridge was removed, and due to skeletal discrepancies and ortho limitations, the patient opted for minimal orthodontics to intrude the lower anterior teeth and to slightly improve and stabilize the posterior occlusion.  Implants were placed in the edentulous spaces and a combination of screw and cement retained restorations were fabricated, first in temporary materials to train and adapt the tissues and then final pfm restorations were fabricated. The results – a more stable occlusion, protected with canine guidance, and a more aesthetic smile.










Pre-Treatment 1
Pre-Treatment 2
Pre-Treatment 3


Post-Treatment 1
Post-Treatment 2
Post-Treatment 3


The O-So O-Ring Over Denture Attachment
Case Courtesy of Dr. Mark Cohen, Scarborough, Ontario


Dr. Mark CohenI have been a client of Klausz Dental Laboratory for over 25 years. The team at Klausz Dental Laboratory not only creates high quality restorations, but their reliability when it comes to case pickups and meeting scheduled delivery times is fantastic!

– Dr. Mark Cohen

The patient presented with an existing maxillary cast partial denture which had a clasp on tooth # 23. Tooth 23 had fractured at the gingival crest and a cast post and dome with a male O-SO Attachment was fabricated and cemented into the endodonticly treated root. The corresponding O-SO Female O-Ring and Metal Housing were secured into the denture covered by an aesthetically matching denture tooth.

O-So O-Ring Over Denture Attachment-Before
O-So O-Ring Over Denture Attachment- After


Anterior Aesthetics by Klausz Dental Labs
Case Courtesy of Dr. Jeffrey Waisglass, Scarborough, Ontario


Dr. Jeffrey WaisglassI trust Klausz Dental Lab to provide my patients with the very best in aesthetic restorations. They really do great work!

Dr. Jeffrey Waisglass

The patient presented with chipped and discoloured teeth and wanted a fresh vibrant smile. Porcelain Veneers were placed from 15 to 25 and 35 to 45.

Porcelain Veneer- Before 1
Porcelain Veneer- Before 2
Porcelain Veneer- After 1
Porcelain Veneer- After 2


Anterior Aesthetics by Klausz Dental Labs
Case Courtesy of Dr. Stephen Abrams, Scarborough, Ontario


Dr. Stephen AbramsI have been a client of Klausz Dental Laboratory for over 25 years. The team at Klausz Dental Laboratory not only creates high quality restorations, but their case planning and attention to detail has reduced my case remakes to well under one percent. They are available when you are and with their input treatment proceeds very smoothly

– Dr. Stephen Abrams

The patient was interested in improving his smile by increasing the incisal length of his anterior teeth along with changing the tooth colour, shape, and closure of the midline diastema. After comprehensive orthodontic treatment, a face bow and bite registration records were taken. The models were mounted on a Protar Articulator from which we created a diagnostic wax-up and modeled the temporary crowns accordingly. After the patient’s approval of the temporary crowns, 6 Lava zirconia based all-ceramic crowns on teeth 13, 12, 11, 21, 22, and 23 were fabricated. The patient was thrilled with the final result.

Initial Retracted

Initial Retracted

Post Ortho Retracted

Post Ortho Retracted

Initial Smile

Initial Smile

Post Ortho Smile

Post Ortho Smile

Diagnostic Wax-Up

Diagnostic Wax-Up



Temp Crowns

Temp Crowns

Final All Ceramic Crowns

Final All Ceramic Crowns


Anterior Aesthetics by Klausz Dental Labs
Case Courtesy of Dr. Jennifer Lai, Toronto, Ontario

Dr. Jennifer LaiI have been working with Klausz Dental for over eight years now and this case is perfection. Ron and his team of technicians are artists when it comes to fabricating custom dental smiles. They provide nothing but perfection in all the cases we have sent to them – none have been returned for revision. They are that good!

Dr. Jennifer Lai, Toronto

A 41 year old male patient presented with numerous oral health issues. When he was in his early twenties, these issues caused the loss of 8 posterior teeth and required heavy restorations to be placed on his maxillary anterior teeth. The patient has always been self-conscious about his smile and apprehensive towards dental treatment.

Through consultation with Ron at the lab, a diagnostic wax-up was created which provided the client a clear picture of what his new custom smile would look like. Our client was now very excited to start the process. The restorations of choice were porcelain layered onto zirconia for aesthetics and strength. We fabricated a four unit bridge from the 13-16 and a three unit bridge from the 25-27. Six single crowns were placed from the 12-24.

The patient was so happy with the final results he wrote the following review online, “I’m so happy and overly pleased with the exemplary service provided to me. Now that the top restorations are complete, I’m actually excited and looking forward to getting the bottom started”.

















Increasing the Vertical Dimension by Klausz Dental Labs
Case Courtesy of Dr. Daphne Kwan, North York, Ontario

Dr. Daphne KwanFrom initial planning to final delivery, Klausz Dental Laboratory has provided us with unwavering support. Their expertise in ceramic artistry and knowledge in occlusion have enabled us to deliver both aesthetically pleasing and functionally ideal restorations.”

-Dr. Daphne Kwan

The patient presented with a loss of vertical dimension and wanted an aesthetic and functional improvement.






Anterior Aesthetics by Klausz Dental Labs
Case Courtesy of Dr. Mey Tanzil, Newmarket, Ontario

Dr. Mey TanzilFrom single crowns to large, complex cases, I trust Ron and his team at Klausz Dental Lab. They only use the best materials and advanced techniques and are able to create natural aesthetics which blend in beautifully with natural teeth. I am thrilled with the results we get.

-Dr. Mey Tanzil

The patient presented with chipped and worn maxillary central incisors and was looking for a cosmetic enhancement to make his smile more ideal. After checking for para-function and eliminating any premature interference in protrusive and lateral excursions, the patient consented to the treatment plan of having his teeth prepared for porcelain veneers. The patient went to the laboratory for a Cosmetic Consultation where details of the shade, shape, and texture of his teeth were taken. Two E.Max lithium disilicate veneers were fabricated and bonded into place. The patient was thrilled.

Before Preparations

Before Preparations

Post Insertion

Post Insertion

Before Preparations

Before Preparations

Post Insertion

Post Insertion


Digital Smile Design Update From Klausz Dental Laboratories
Case Courtesy of Dr. Raffy Chouljian, Scarborough, Ontario

Now Your Patients can SEE their treatment plan before treatment begins

Dr. Raffy Chouljian


Dr. Raffy Chouljian

We are proud to be able to offer our clients the power and the versatility of the next wave in dental communication. We are now able to provide you with a Digital Smile Design, in ready-to-print full colour, of what your patients can expect from today’s cosmetic dentistry.

If you are interested in learning more about how we can help you provide your patients with Digital Smile Designs, why not give us a call, and request the full instructional package.



After Simulation
After Simulation


Final Result



Anterior Aesthetics by Klausz Dental Labs
Case Courtesy of Dr. Mey Tanzil, Newmarket, Ontario

Dr. Mey TanzilFrom single crowns to large, complex cases, I trust Ron and his team at Klausz Dental Lab. They only use the best materials and advanced techniques and are able to create natural aesthetics which blend in beautifully with natural teeth. I am thrilled with the results we get.

-Dr. Mey Tanzil

Before Preparations

The patient presented missing tooth #14, heavily restored teeth #11 and #13, and badly decayed tooth #12 that could not be saved.  As well, the patient had an ill fitting maxillary removable cast partial denture.  The patient wanted a fixed restoration and did not wish to go through the time or the expense of implant treatment or ridge regeneration in the extracted #12 site. The patient has a low lip line so this was not an issue. A five unit all-ceramic Lava Zirconia Based Bridge was fabricated and the patient went to the laboratory for custom shade selection.

Before Preparations
Before Preparations

5 Unit Lava Zirconia Based Bridge

Post Insertion

5 Unit Lava Zirconia Based Bridge
5 Unit Lava Zirconia Based Bridge
Post Insertion
Post Insertion


Anterior Aesthetics by Klausz Dental Labs
Case Courtesy of Dr. Stephen Abrams Scarborough, Ontario

Dr. Stephen AbramsI love it when a plan comes together. I wouldn’t start a major case without careful planning, and that includes consulting with my lab. Ron and his team at Klausz Dental Laboratories not only create high quality restorations, but their case planning and attention to detail are second to none.

Dr. Stephen Abrams

4 e.Max Layered ¾ Crowns + 2 e.Max Layered Crowns

The patient presented with 25 year old porcelain veneers on her maxillary incisors and was interested in improving her smile by changing the color and shape of her teeth. Discussions were had with regards to periodontal surgery and crown lengthening, as well as bleaching. In the end, after looking at the diagnostic wax up, she decided to move forward with all ceramic restorations.

Arcus Face Bow records were taken and study models were mounted on a Kavo Protar Articulator. After programming the articulator, a functional diagnostic wax-up was fabricated. From the wax-up a clear Memosil Matrix was provided and chair side temporary restorations were placed to confirm occlusion and function. After several weeks of temporary function, the final e.Max layered restorations were fabricated: ¾ anterior crowns for all 4 incisors and crowns to alter the 1st bicuspids to look like cuspids. The final aesthetic result made the patient very happy and the functional result made me very happy.



The Final Case Close Up – e.Max ¾ Layered Anterior Crowns for All 4 Incisors
Diagnostic Wax Up

Diagnostic Wax Up

The Final Case Close Up – e.Max Layered Crowns to Alter the 1st Bicuspids to look Like Cuspids

The Final Case Close Up – e.Max ¾ Layered Anterior Crowns for All 4 Incisors and e.Max Layered
Crowns to Alter the 1st Bicuspids to look Like Cuspids


Anterior Aesthetics by Klausz Dental Labs
Case Courtesy of Dr. Jeffrey Waisglass, Scarborough, Ontario


Dr. Jeffrey WaisglassThe lab did a fantastic job! The marginal fit was top notch and I didn’t have to fuss with anything at insert. As always, it was a pleasure working with you.”

– Dr. Jeffrey Waisglass

The patient presented missing her right lateral incisor and was interested in changing the color and shape of her teeth, along with broadening her smile. An implant was placed in the edentulous space and a screw retained temporary crown was inserted to allow for tissue healing.

After the tissue had healed, the remaining teeth were prepared and a final impression was taken. A custom zirconia abutment with a titanium base was fabricated to restore the implant and six E-Max Layered Crowns from 14 to 22 and two E. Max Layered Veneers for 23 and 24 were fabricated to redesign the smile.

Zirconia Implant Abutment + 6 e.Max Crowns + 2 e.Max Veneers

The finished case photos were taken 2 weeks post-op.



The Final Case

The Final Case

The Final Case Close Up – e.Max Anteriors with Right Lateral Implant and Zirconia Abutment

The Final Case Close Up – e.Max Anteriors with
Right Lateral Implant and Zirconia Abutment


Anterior Aesthetics by Klausz Dental Labs
Case Courtesy of Dr. Mey Tanzil, Newmarket, Ontario

Dr. Mey TanzilFrom single crowns to large, complex cases, I trust Ron and his team at Klausz Dental Lab. They only use the best materials and advanced techniques and are able to create natural aesthetics which blend in beautifully with natural teeth. I am thrilled with the results we get.

-Dr. Mey Tanzil

The patient presented with a crown on tooth 11 that was no longer  attractive and his teeth were misaligned and unattractive. We created a  simple treatment plan to restore a healthy appearance to his teeth and gums. We delivered 2 zirconia based crowns and 2 porcelain veneers which provided him with a beautiful new smile and a boost to his self esteem.

Before Preps

Before Preps

Restorations for Bonding

Restorations for Bonding

Final Aesthetic Result

Final Aesthetic Result


Anterior Aesthetics by Klausz Dental Labs

Case Courtesy of Dr. Warren Hellen

Dr. Warren Hellen“Working in close cooperation with Ron at the lab was a very important component of the case. Establishing the correct bite and occlusion was critical. Ron did a great job and the patient is thrilled with her new smile.”

-Dr. Warren Hellen

The patient presented with a worn and spaced dentition. She wanted a “nicer smile” and to fill in the space where tooth 14 had been extracted. Due to the worn dentition and reduced inter-occlusal clearance, we opted for porcelain bonded to metal crowns on teeth 12 to 22 with lingual metal and a pfm bridge from 13 to 15. A lower thermoplastic night guard will prevent further occlusal wear due to bruxism at night.



Digital Smile Design Update From Klausz Dental Laboratories

Cases Courtesy of Dr. Paul Alter, Toronto, Ontario

Dr. Paul AlterNow Your Patients can SEE their treatment plan before treatment begins.

-Dr. Paul Alter

Case 1 Before

Case 1 Before

Case 1 Digital Design

Case 1 Digital Design

Case 2 Before

Case 2 Before

Case 2 Digital Design

Case 2 Digital Design


An Interesting Implant Case

Courtesy of Dr. Warren Hellen Scarborough, Ontario

Dr. Warren Hellen” I believe in a team approach to implant dentistry, and with the skill and dedication of our periodontist, Dr. Jordan Bender, and the careful attention to detail of Ron at the lab, I was able to achieve a great result.”

Dr. Warren Hellen

There was only enough space to place one implant. The implant was placed in the 31 position and after integration, a screw retained 1*2 temporary, cantilever restoration was placed to shape and sculpt the tissue. After 6 weeks the final screw retained porcelain fused to metal restoration was fabricated to create a natural result.

Implant Integration

Implant Integration

Temporary Restoration

Temporary Restoration

Lingual View of Final

Lingual View of Final

Labial View of Final

Labial View of Final


Anterior Aesthetics by Klausz Dental Labs

Case Courtesy of Dr. Daphne Kwan, North York, Ontario

Dr. Daphne Kwan“From initial planning to final delivery, Klausz Dental Laboratory has provided us with unwavering support. Their expertise in ceramic artistry and knowledge in occlusion have enabled us to deliver both aesthetically pleasing and functionally ideal restorations.”

Dr. Daphne Kwan

Patient completed two years of orthodontic treatment and was interested in changing color, shape, and closure of diastema of her anterior teeth. Home and in-office whitening were carried out, followed by 5 e.Max crowns on 12, 11,21,22,23 and e.Max veneer on #13.









Max Crowns and Veneer

Max Crowns and Veneer




Anterior Aesthetics by Klausz Dental Laboratories

Case Courtesy of Dr. Natalie Abbott, Toronto, Ontario

Dr. Natalie Abbott“I trust Ron and his team at Klausz Dental Lab to constantly deliver precise fitting restorations that provide greater aesthetics and superior function. They stand behind everything they do and they care about my patients as much as I do. I’m so glad I found them.”

Dr. Natalie Abbott

The patient presented with 25 year old central incisor, porcelain fused to gold foil crowns. He wasn’t pleased with the exaggerated incisal length, the shade, the labial bulkiness, and the gingival recession that had occurred over time. To mask the discoloured cores, Lava Layered All-Ceramic Crowns were fabricated after a Cosmetic Consultation was done at the lab.









Always looking for ways to improve the quality of our work is just another way we are,

“Working Harder and Smarter for your Practice!”




Mailing Address
40 Kodiak Crescent, Units 11-12
Toronto, ON, M3J 3G5


Monday: 7:30am - 5:30pm
Tuesday: 7:30am - 5:30pm
Wednesday: 7:30am - 5:30pm
Thursday: 7:30am - 5:30pm
Friday: 7:30am - 5:30pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed


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